David, Ezra

David, Ezra

Ben Ilana and Mordechai. Born in Tel Aviv on 27.12.1980, brother of Shlomi, Sigal and Yifit, Ezra grew up in Tel Aviv, studied at the Rokach Elementary School and became a diligent and intelligent student, After graduating from elementary school, he was awarded the National Bible Quiz and was sent to express his position on Bible study in elementary schools before the Knesset Education Committee. In his free time after school, he continued to play in the Beit Danny basketball team in the Hatikva neighborhood of Tel Aviv. He spent most of his time studying and outstanding in his special achievements and high grades, and after completing his studies he asked to stop his active participation in sports, so that he could spend all his time studying. – Urbani T, with a real matriculation certificate in excellent grades, and on a particularly high average, Ezra was very fond of the country, and wanted to contribute as much as possible to his military service and asked to be “the most combatant.” He fulfilled these aspirations when he enlisted in the IDF in late July 1999. He completed his basic training and training as a combat soldier, and completed his training in the IDF. , Was appointed as a combat medic in the Rotem Battalion, where he led the platoon, and about a month later he was transferred to another department, and his colleagues did not agree to give him up and asked the staff to stay with them On April 2, . He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother. His parents, brothers and friends suffered from Ezra’s military service only after he left, because he did not share his personal experiences or good deeds with those around him. The commander of the unit wrote about him in a letter of condolence to the family: “… He was a brother to them, he gave a positive example of everything he did … Ezra served everyone as a model and a source of pride … in all his actions he brought honor to himself, his family and Givati. “We will continue to remember Ezra as one of the best, leading and beloved soldiers …” Ezra’s teachers and friends wrote about him: “tenacity, perseverance, loyalty, will Help and smile, “” real person, “” best possible, “” threatened to touch the clouds. “

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