David (Daoud), Sami

David (Daoud), Sami

Son of Shimon and Miriam. He was born in 1948 in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and his family immigrated to Israel in 1950. He studied at the “Brothers” elementary school in Kiryat Malachi and the Petah Tikva High School in Beer Tuvia, and was active in the Gadna and Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed angelic. When he settled in Tel Aviv, he completed a course for young instructors on behalf of the “Maccabi” association. He spent his free time devoted to sports and especially soccer. In November 1965, he was drafted into the Armored Corps and was proud of it, and during his service he excelled as a model soldier and as a devoted friend, and was a prominent figure in every company. As the Six Day War approached, Sammy found no rest and looked for different ways to join the front unit: he did not forgive himself for having to remain in an infernal unit, and he had many plans for the future, but he did not have time to realize them. , Fell in the area of ​​the Suez Canal while he was in active reserve duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in the village of Warburg.

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