Daskal, Shmuel (Axi)

Daskal, Shmuel (Axi)

Was born on May 23, 1930 in the city of Iyud, Romania, and at the end of the Second World War, his parents responded to his constant pleas and allowed him to immigrate to Eretz Israel in the framework of Youth Aliyah. 1946 He arrived in Israel on a Haganah ship and was educated at a youth company in Beit Hashita, and after completing his studies he joined the Palmach Brigade with his entire company. He devoted himself to every task. He took part in the battles, accompanied by convoys and the road to disconnected settlements. Shmuel fell in the Negev in the defense of Be’erot Yitzhak when it was attacked by the Egyptian army. On the fifteenth of Tammuz 5708 (July 15, 1948), he was sent with his comrades to block the advance of the enemy’s soldiers, and a fierce battle of bayonets flared up and he was among the fallen and was buried in the wells of Yitzhak on the 7th of Kislev 5711 (16.11.1950) was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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