Danziger (Dothan), Daniel

Danziger (Dothan), Daniel

Son of Ernest and Zahava. He was born on May 5, 1950 in Tel Aviv. When he was three years old, the family moved to Mishmar Hashiva and worked in agriculture. Daniel began his studies at the Remez Elementary School in Beit Dagan, continued at the Shiva School in the region, and completed his high school studies at the ORT vocational high school in Tel Aviv, specializing in electronics. From his childhood he had discovered intelligence that was not by his age and was fast-paced. He had quick hands, common sense and independent thought, had an excellent memory, loved to read, was impressed by everything and missed nothing. He spoke little, had a developed sense of aesthetics. Tried his hand in photography and took out Yaffa landscapes and a man. In the psychotechnical test that he conducted when he finished high school, he was noted for having a high level of intellect and excellent ability, both technical and verbal, with a positive attitude toward all those around him, “Even when he was a high school student, he was familiar with everything that was going on in the air force, and he appreciated the strength and ability of this corps and wanted to reach its ranks. Daniel was drafted into the IDF in August 1968 and volunteered to serve in the Israel Air Force, completing the pilot’s course without any difficulties, and in March 1970 he received the pilot’s wings, and with all his pride, he continued to act modestly and without vanity. He was taken to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and was promoted to lieutenant.

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