Danon, Chaim

Danon, Chaim

Son of Shlomo and Devorah was born on July 16, 1957 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Dr. Remez Elementary School in Yehud, then completed his studies at the industrial secondary school in Yehud in the industrial laboratory, and his plans were to continue medical studies at the end of his army service and develop his hobby – sports. Haim was drafted into the IDF in January 1976 and volunteered to serve in the Nahal Brigade. The “Sail” group at Kibbutz Ma’agan, and later was sent to basic training and completed successfully. As the battalion commander attested, Chaim was “a model soldier, and he never shirked from hard work or from exhausting maneuvers, and performed all his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders.” On the 3rd of Kislev 5737 (25.11.1976) Haim fell in the line of duty and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving my parents, two brothers and three sisters.

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