Danieli, Timur (“Danny”)

Danieli, Timur (“Danny”)

Son of-Brakas and Nasra. He was born in April 1948 in the city of Kremencha in Persia, where he immigrated to Israel with his parents at the age of 10. The family arrived in Acre and Timor studied there until fourth grade at the Rav Kook School in the Napoleon transit camp and then in the fifth and sixth grades The book “Rambam”. Out of a desire to help his father support the ten-person family, he moved to the Philadelphia Institute in Acre to study a profession and a year later went to work as a professional. He was a sports instructor at the “Bialik” school in Acre. He considered his duty to his homeland more sacred than his obligations to his family, even though he was devoted and loyal to her. Because of the difficult family situation, he was offered to be discharged from military service, but he rejected the proposal with full force and in August 1966 he was drafted and volunteered for the paratroopers. Even before completing the course of the Six-Day War, he was caught in the middle of compulsory service, and his parents were very anxious and when they offered him a way to avoid participating in the battle, he asked his parents not to repeat their words: “If I do so, what will the future of the state be like? We all have to be together, in one Lev; In the battle that took place on the Ali Montar outpost on the first day of its battles, on 26 June 1967, one of our tanks was hit and needed Timur volunteered for this dangerous mission, and while he was a short distance away from the burning tank, a shell hit him, causing him to die, was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa. “Yesodot”, the organ of the Workers’ Union, was also commemorated in the book “In Memory of Kedoshim” published by the Municipality of Acco in memory The fallen boys.

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