Dahari, Yichiya

Dahari, Yichiya

Son of Malka and Shalom was born in Jerusalem in January 1928. He studied in an elementary school until the fifth grade and because of the need to help a family with children he went to work and specialized in bicycle repair. He admired and admired his teachers and teachers, and when he became absorbed in the youth society, the value of life grew in his eyes, and his cheerfulness and kindness completely concealed the traces of poverty in his childhood. Afterward he was drafted into the Alexandroni Brigade and after completing training he served in the front. The road to Jerusalem was cut off by the Legion Regiment in Latroun and the newly formed Brigade 7 was forced to break through. His battalion was attached to Brigade 7 and his mission was to conquer Latrun. Shortly before his departure, the force encountered superior Legion forces and had to retreat. In this battle, on the 15th of Iyar 5708 (May 25, 1948), he was missing and only after about a year did he learn that he had fallen there. On the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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