Dahan, Shlomo (Salomon)

Dahan, Shlomo (Salomon)

Shlomo (Salomon), son of Rachel and Isaac z “l, was born on 17.5.1950 in Morocco, Shlomo was drafted into the IDF in early May 1968 and served in the infantry and engineering corps. He successfully completed a palasim course and was also a mechanical-heavy equipment operator. He also studied military service in the army. During his military service, he served in various units in combat engineering and was a dedicated and loyal soldier and filled all his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders. After he was released from regular service, Shlomo returned to Ofakim, where the family lived. He worked in Be’er Sheva in a profession he had acquired in the army – operating heavy equipment. About a month before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, he married his wife Chana and his wedding day was also the day of separation from his family and friends. During the war, Shlomo was a soldier in an armored engineering battalion. On October 14, 1973, he was killed in an air strike near the Tasa camp in Sinai. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ofakim. He left behind a pregnant wife – his son, who was born after his death, was named after him,

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