Dahan, Meir Michel

Dahan, Meir Michel

Ben Sima and Yosef. Born in Kfar Saba on 8 October 1956. Michel attended the Bar-Ilan elementary school in Kfar Sava and continued his studies at the Bnei Akiva high school in Ra’anana, in accordance with the spirit of religious Zionism in the home, and after two years moved to the home – Air Force Technical School, where he studied equipment mechanics: In October 1974, Michel was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Air Force at the Tel Nof base as a equipment mechanic. In 1977 he joined the regular army as a non-commissioned officer in Lod, and in 1981 he moved to the Etzion base, where he established the Ovda base instead of Etzion, and Michel moved to serve as commander of the IAF transport division. In 1994, he worked in other positions, including a guide at the School of Aviation Professions, where he established the command center of the school, commanded it, managed the base’s transport division, and arranged for soldiers and civilians to fly to and from Uvda. His commanders in his personal file: “against functioning efficiently and industriously, while showing good communication, motivation and the ability to deal with a difficult and sensitive subject. Highly professional in his field, operator and commander at a high level. “He said.” Everywhere he went, he felt a sense of joy and laughter. Michelle was “poisoned” by the army Michelle, a handsome man, loved life – he loved dancing, spending time, traveling, playing guitar, organ, accordion, recorder and harmonica, He loved the Beatles, and at the age of twenty-five he married Carmela (Nina), and in 1985 they established their home at Ovda, and until the day of his death he served in this base. , On the 15th of Av 5755 (15.8.1995). He was brought to rest the next day, the 21st of Av 5755, in the Kfar Saba military cemetery. He left behind a wife, four daughters – Moran, Reut, Amit and Dana, parents, brother – Shmuel, and sister – Irit.

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