Dahan, Haim

Dahan, Haim

Mina and Shlomo. He was born in 1913 in Jerusalem, as a son of a large family. At the age of four, at the end of the First World War, the parents died and the eldest sister assumed the burden of family therapy. In 1916 the family emigrated to Egypt, but two years later returned to Palestine. Haim studied in a “cheder” near the synagogue in his neighborhood. At a young age he went to work to help his sister with the household agriculture. Haim joined the Betar youth movement and took part in its activities, and after the birth of his eldest son he moved to Tel Aviv, where he joined the British army unit and joined the British commando unit 462 and served in Egypt and the Western Desert. At the end of April 1943, a large convoy of ships headed for Malta to assist the Allies in their invasion of Sicily, arrived at Alexandria in early April 1943. At the head of the convoy was the “Arinapura” A bony patrol called by German bombers, the “Aryanpura” suffered a direct hit, and fell to the depths You are 140 members of Unit 462 and you live in them, leaving a wife and five sons, brothers and sisters, the memory of Chaim commemorated in “The Book of the Year”, 1946, and the “Yizkor” book of the Jabotinsky Institute. In the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, a monument shaped like a ship was erected in front of them, and next to it is a water pool with the names of the 140 fallen. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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