Dahan, Ezra

Dahan, Ezra

Son of David and Aziza. He was born in 1949. He immigrated to Israel in 1951. Ezra was one of seven children from the Iraqi immigrant family, whose life was poor and difficult, attended elementary school in Bnei Brak and later at Ma’alot High School. A member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and a member of the Gadna for three years. In his spare time, he worked in sports, especially soccer. He had a Lev of gold for Ezra and always came to his parents’ aid. The economic situation in his home was bad and from the time of his youth he saw and understood it. So he started to work in a chandelier workshop and gave his household a wage. In November 1966, he was drafted into the IDF and was assigned to the Armored Corps, during which he was discovered as an excellent soldier and an excellent professional, on the 7th of Iyar 5729 (May 7, 1969), who fell in the area of ​​the Suez Canal. Two letters from Ezra, one to the parents and one to his brother-in-law, and in the second letter he wrote that he feels well and to reassure his parents, who always took care of him, wrote that he was far from the line of fire.

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