Dagon, Arie (Henrich Zvi Fishel)

Dagon, Arie (Henrich Zvi Fishel)

Son of Golda and Tobias. He was born on July 2, 1946, in Paltitzen, Romania, where his family immigrated to Israel in 1958. During his first years of high school Arie studied in Kiryat Gat and later in Neurim near Netanya. In May 1964 Aryeh enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to the anti-aircraft unit of the Artillery Corps, where he served at the Tel Nof base at the training base and in 1966 married Miriam and they lived in Ashkelon for two years and then moved to Ashkelon In Rishon Letzion, Arie went to the officers’ course at the rank of major sergeant and completed the course in November 1968. At the end of the course he was assigned to Training Base 1 and for a short period of time In 1970, his eldest daughter, Revital, was born, and his son Eran was born three years later, and three years later, in Rinat, Arieh was known for his personal consideration, personal cultivation, and advancement of his soldiers As well as assisting in the rehabilitation of soldiers who are heavily nurtured, while most of his time was devoted to the military system and to the needy, which prevented him from performing other important personal activities. In 1978 he studied and completed a command and staff course. Aryeh was loyal to the same degree of loyalty and did not for a moment neglect his home, as he did in his second home – the IDF – and Aryeh used to say that he carried out the subjects and tasks that were his responsibility with utmost perfection and always knew how to choose the most important thing. : “Always with a smile on your lips, warmth and attention and comprehensive responsibility. The first to open the base and the last to extinguish the light. “His family says:” A clear military man. “On Friday, July 24, 1985, Lt. Col. Aryeh Dagon fell in his army service, his Lev suddenly broken. In a cemetery in Rishon Letzion, and left behind a wife, parents and three children in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “As part of his duties, Arieh received countless praise for his performance, which contributed greatly to the IAF’s level. He excelled in a sense of humor and in a friendly attitude towards his subordinates and commanders and was very fond of all his acquaintances “

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