Dacey, Aaron (“Ronnie”)

Dacey, Aaron (“Ronnie”)

Son of Avraham and Sarah. He was born on May 4, 1950 in Tiberias. He studied at the Erlich elementary school in his hometown. He had a childhood sense of innocence and a penchant for pranks; he was the playful man in the group, but at the same time he took on every role and was always the organizer of every action and the “nail” in the class. His teachers would treat him affectionately, because they said he could not be angry at him. He was naturally cheerful and he used to gather children around him and tell them stories and jokes. Was a devoted and loyal son to his home and was respected and loved by his parents and the rest of his family. When he grew up, he went to Kibbutz Bar’am as part of the Youth Aliyah. Not long after he was one of the children of the kibbutz and was soon discovered as a responsible and diligent boy. He had both gold hands and gold heart and always wanted to help his friends. In mid-October 1967, he joined the IDF and joined the paratroopers. Aharon was interested in going out with his comrades to the Nahal Brigade. On the 17th of Shvat 5730 (January 14, 1970) he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Tiberias. The commander of his company wrote in a letter of condolence to the parents: “Aharon did not have time to serve for a long time under my command, but we had enough time to see all his good qualities and wonderful character. He wanted to finish the course successfully and remain a squad commander in the battalion. At first we discussed the characteristics of a commander buried in him and appointed him commander of a squad. – – – There is no substitute for a son who is not and no words to console father, mother, brother or sister. So I will not look for words of condolence. You have lost a dear son and we have lost a devoted friend and an excellent soldier. “His parents published a booklet called” Roni ” in his memory, and his parents donated a marble bimah in the Gur Aryeh synagogue in Tiberias in his name.

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