Dabur, Osama

Dabur, Osama

Ben Na’ifah and Najib. Was born on 15 July 1971 in Beit Jann to a Druze family, most of whose sons serve in the security forces. He graduated from elementary school in his village and later attended the pre-military school in Fallon. He was active in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and his friends said, “As his name is, he is modest, decent and intelligent.” Osama was a sociable and smiling young man who sought to be fair and fair to those around him. During his service, at his request, he was assigned to a driving course, and was trained as a rifleman. On June 12, 1990, he fell while carrying out his duties. He was nineteen when he fell. He was buried in his village, in the military section of the cemetery in Beit Jann. Survived by his parents, six brothers and a sister.

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