Czaplinski, Chaim

Czaplinski, Chaim

Chaim, son of Miriam and Abraham Czaplinski, was born in 1909 in the city of Oshmiana, near Vilna, Lithuania. In his youth he was orphaned by his father. Chaim graduated from elementary school and became an experienced electrician. He always aspired to immigrate to Israel and in 1935 fulfilled his dream. He was an active member the Water and Light Works in the Tel Aviv municipality, took care of the workers’ rights and helped the disadvantaged. Chaim was active in the Hagana since the bloody riots of 1936-1939. He was promoted and trained others. Chaim was always ready to guard his city. Chaim fell on the 25th of Shvat 5708 (February 5, 1948) when he stood with the rest of the fighters facing the enemy, and a cluster of bullets hit his head. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left behind a wife, Rivkah, and a son, Abraham.

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