Crawford, Abraham

Crawford, Abraham

Son of Louisa and Pinchas. He was born on November 4, 1947 in the city of Santiago in Chile. He grew up in his hometown and completed 11 years of study. When he was 17, he met his future wife Sara and in 1970 married her. That same year, their eldest daughter Ruth was born and shortly after her birth, in 1971, the young family immigrated to Israel. In this way Abraham fulfilled his ambition, which he nurtured in his youth. After immigrating to Israel they tried to be absorbed in Kibbutz Bahan. In February 1972, Avraham was conscripted into compulsory service in the IDF and assigned to serve in the Artillery Corps, where he underwent a brief service period, as is customary for immigrant soldiers with families, and was released after one year of service. Avraham’s father was sent back to Israel with his family in 1976. After various attempts to settle down and after difficult conditions of absorption, the family members arrived at Kibbutz Beit Oren, were accepted as members and established In August 1985, Avraham was called up for reserve duty and sent to serve in Hebron He was put to rest in the cemetery of Kibbutz Beit Oren, and Raya assumed that he had three children – Ruth, Shlomo and Pinchas, parents, sister Jacqueline and two brothers – Fernando and Joseph In a letter to the bereaved family, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin wrote: “Corporal Avraham Sorek gave his life for his homeland … He was an excellent soldier, disciplined, volunteered For every mission, he is an exemplary friend and loved by everyone. “After his death, his widow published things in his memory in the kibbutz newsletter” Nivim “

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