Corbatov, Michael

Corbatov, Michael

Ben Leibov and Nikolai. Born in the town of Bratsk, Russia, on November 18, 1980. Michael, the only son of his parents, completed his elementary and secondary studies in his hometown in Russia, where he continued to study in a practical school and was trained as a mechanic. He spent many hours in front of the computer, sang and played the guitar, and in November 1998 he immigrated to Israel alone, living for a while in Kibbutz Mishmar Hanegev, where he worked and studied, and later moved to Haifa and joined his parents in April 2000. In April 2000, To the maintenance corps. After basic training, he successfully passed a heavy trucking course and served as a truck driver at the Tira transport base. His commander said: “Michael was very devoted to his job, a man of work, although he supported himself and he had a hard time, he never said ‘no’ and was willing to go to the biggest hole. From the base. ” During his service, Michael was promoted to sergeant. “Michael was very proud that he passed the test on the Sami in the first attempt, which is rare, and he was supposed to start driving the safari soon in Judea and Samaria,” he said. On February 13, 2003, Michael was killed in a car accident that took place on the way out of Haifa and he was twenty-two years old, leaving his parents in the city of Bratsk in Siberia, where he was laid to rest.

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