Conorti, Menahem

Conorti, Menahem

Son of Benjamin and Victoria. He was born on January 28, 1952 in Jerusalem. Menachem was conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces in February 1971. After basic training and after completing a driving course and a subordinate clerk’s course, Menahem was sent to the Air Force headquarters by his commanders and was defined as a disciplined, dedicated, In May 1974, Menahem retired from military service and began working for the Postal Bank in Jerusalem, where he was preparing to marry and establish a home in Israel. On the 17th of Av 5734 (5.8.1974), Menahem fell in the Ma’aleh Adumim area, while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and three brothers. His parents commemorated the establishment of a library bearing his name at the Ort Neviim High School in Jerusalem where he studied.

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