Cohen, Yuval

Cohen, Yuval

Yuval, son of Naomi and Uziel, was born on September 12, 1945 in Kibbutz Evron. He completed his studies at the elementary school in ‘Abrun and later went on to study at the high school in the “Ashrat” institution. He also studied at the Yad Natan Technical School in Acre. Yuval was active in the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement and friends told him about him, who excelled in everything related to camping. He had gold hands, and he was patient and patient. In the youth camps, he was always at the forefront of the facilities, and was the champion of the ranks and connections. When his guide in the movement wanted to build a facility perfectly, he put Yuval at the head of the founding team. Yuval was a sports fan and played in the kibbutz basketball and volleyball teams. From his hobbies, he was a man of manual labor. He was involved in sculpture in metal and wood, by carving and by soldering. In addition, he worked in photography and his estate has many artistic photographs. He was also a member of the Ga’aton Dance Company. Matmid was very attached to his family, and as he grew older he and his parents developed a loyal relationship. He was very heavy and was always an exemplary son. Yuval was drafted into the IDF in early August 1964. After completing basic training he was assigned to the Signal Corps and completed his military service, He went back to his kibbutz, went to work in the factory and set up the filters department with his own hands, and eventually he was appointed head of the department he set up at the Bermad factory for automatic irrigation, and did much to improve the production process and improve the products. After liberation, he married Ola, a volunteer who came to Israel After his marriage, he underwent a significant change in his behavior, and the quiet and serious Yuval became a social man, cheerful and full of humor, and even learned Swiss and sang songs in that language to his daughter, who was born after his marriage. But he was more interested in people, their way of life and different landscapes, and he also recorded with his camera: Yuval was a father and a devoted husband to his family, and he designed and built various tools and toys for his little daughter, including a chicken coop and a swing. A child, and even crawls on all fours to entertain her. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yovel was recruited for service and sent to the front. He passed through all the horrors of the war without injury, but on February 6, 1974, he was injured while carrying out his duties and was rushed to Rambam Hospital in Haifa After two weeks of efforts invested by the doctors to save his life, Yuval passed away on the 29th of Shevat 5734 (21.2.1974), who was brought to rest in the cemetery of Kibbutz Evron and left behind a wife, daughter, mother, and brother in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Your family lost its dear one, but we also lost a son to a large, Who had lost so many sons in order to give life to those who remained. This family will forever bear his memory as one of its best sons. “Yuval’s family and kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory, including his words and friends’ talk about his character.

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