Cohen, Yosef

Cohen, Yosef

Joseph, son of Tamar and Isaac, was born on January 12, 1945, in Haifa. He studied at the elementary school “Amami Aleph” and completed his studies in the 35th grade, after which he continued to study in the high school and completed his studies as a graduate of the 11th grade. Yossi was the son of an extended family, with five brothers and two sisters, both older and younger, all born in Israel, a fifth generation. At school, Yossi was a diligent and industrious student, and excelled especially in the real professions. Even when he was in high school, it was clear to everyone that his future was guaranteed at the Technion. He had the ability to see problems with clarity and the ability to simplify complex questions and define them in simple formulas. He is also blessed with a rare associative ability, through which he is able to distinguish and define the connection between different sciences to the smallest detail. For him, mathematics and physics were not separate subjects, but part of one system-different revelations of the same laws of nature. Yossi also excelled in high school as a successful athlete in athletics, especially in high jump and distance. He had the physique of an athlete – slim, flexible and springy. He devoted many hours to the activities of the Gadna and was chosen to represent his school in the course of the course, which he completed with honors. His physical education teacher had predicted a promising future in sports, but Yossi preferred to study sports. Although his many occupations took up most of his time, Yossi was involved in the life of the house, which was marked by strong ties of love between the family. For him, the best entertainment was spending a long time in the family. His family and friends testify to him, who was gentle-minded, with a humane and understanding attitude toward people. He was always willing to help anyone and never answered anyone. His teachers respected him as a student and as a man, and his classmates loved him for being a true friend, loyal and sensitive. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in August 1963 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, completing a basic course in Armored Corps and completing his course as a tank gunner, completing the course with great success and being sent to a higher training course. After graduating from regular service, Yossi began his studies at the Technion, where he also excelled in the sports field and soon became a prominent member of the Technion’s lightweight athletics team. Most respected and especially outstanding in the ASA competitions, In which he reached second place by long jump and first place in high jump. At the end of his first year he met Yaffa, who was to become his wife. After graduating and awarded the title, he married her and began to build his future. As a young couple, which began its journey from scratch after years of study, they both made efforts to establish themselves financially and socially. In 1969 Yossi was certified as a construction engineer and was hired as an engineer in a private construction company in Tel Aviv, one of the largest in Israel, and began to progress rapidly. The Yom Kippur War found him, as his wife says, tense and waiting for the order to read. When the order came, he separated from Yaffa and went with his unit to the front in the Golan Heights. He took part in the braking battles and in the battles to break into the Syrian enclave as commander of the Santorion tank. On the 12th of Tishrei 5740 (October 12, 1973) he broke up with his unit to the village of Mazra’at Beit Jann. In this battle, his tank was hit by a shell and exploded. He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. He left behind a wife, parents, five brothers and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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