Cohen, YItzhak

Cohen, YItzhak

Yitzhak, son of Hanna and Aharon Cohen, was born on September 21, 1926 in Jerusalem, where he studied. As an adult, he moved with his family to Tel Aviv and made a living selling ice. Yitzhak was a quiet guy who did his work faithfully. He joined the ranks of the Irgun and began to learn how to use weapons. He was arrested by the British and transferred to the detention camp at Latrun and Atlit as a “terror suspect” and remained there for two years. After his release, he immediately joined the fighting force, taking an active part in conquering Jaffa and its Jews. On June 22, 1948, when the ship Altalena reached the shores of Israel, he was attacked and killed. Yitzhak was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery. He left behind his parents and four siblings.

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