Cohen, Yitzhak-Moshe (Itzik)

Cohen, Yitzhak-Moshe (Itzik)

Son of Yocheved and Dov, was born on September 4, 1926, in the Reines group of HaPoel Hamizrahi in Petach Tikvah, and when he was two years old he moved with his family to Kfar Saba. He completed eight grades of elementary school and continuing classes. Examination of national competition in the account for eighth graders easily reached third place. For a year he studied the work of the frameworks at the “Mizrahi” school in Tel Aviv in order to assist his father in his work and continue his profession. After a year of studies at the Safra School in Tel Aviv, he discovered a talent for mathematics that was easily accessible to complex accounts and various future plans. Because of his physical weakness, his mother indulged him, but he did not notice his weakness as to the duty to the homeland. When he was 13, he joined the religious unit of the Haganah, one of the best in the Sharon. When the War of Independence began, and his company was called to service, he too took his clothes and took all his clothes to the camp, because (as he explained to his mother) “our army is poor. He served in the Alexandroni Brigade. The company’s base was in Magdiel and later in Kfar Sava. He took the baptism of fire in a raid into the village of Bir Adas, then took part in the defense of Ramat Hakovesh and the battles in Jaffa and its neighborhoods. He felt the seriousness of his task. When his leg ached and his mother asked him to stay for a few days in the house, he replied: “Mother, you can not, no people, if I do not fight, who will fight?” In the battle of Wadi Ara, he was injured in the groin, as he leaped forward, from a bullet that hit an artery. His friends warned him to lie down and not run to avoid losing much blood. He replied: “It is better to die on the way than to fall alive by the Arabs.” He continued to run until he fell and after a few hours of suffering he took his breath on April 8, 1948 ). He was laid to rest in the Kfar Saba military cemetery

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