Cohen, Yinon-Avraham

Cohen, Yinon-Avraham

Son of Aliza and Yosef. He was born on November 7, 1985 in Jerusalem. Brother to Anat, Talia, Galit, Raanan, Ronit, Barak, Dror, Dafna and Ariel. Yinon grew up and was educated in Jerusalem. He attended the “Maimon” elementary school and the “Ginogli” high school. From an early age, he liked to play football, and was an apprentice and later a counselor in the Bnei Akiva youth movement. Yinon was a prodigy, who grew up and became a tall, handsome man, very impressive, who admired his glamorous beauty. He loved life, loved others, friends, and they loved him very much. Yinon loved the family, always asked and inquired about their welfare. Loved his nieces and nephews and they loved him, they always asked if Yinon was there. Yinon had a sense of humor, liked to make fun, entertain and sing. In January 2003, Yinon was drafted into the IDF and served for two months on December 31, 2003, when Yinon was killed in a road accident and he is eighteen years old. He was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, four brothers and five sisters. Yinon’s mother writes to him: “My dear Yinon, you were a nice and kind boy, you helped everyone, your performance was impressive, you were a diligent child, the pain is deep, we can not believe you are not with us. I think that maybe it’s a dream and now you’ll enter the house and see you.Inon, it’s too bad you walked away from us so young and fresh, A nice and healthy child, and suddenly they came and told us the bitter news that I will never forget. “Yinon May your memory be blessed and your soul will be bundled with the bundle of life and we will merit the coming of the sun H speedily, amen. From a mother who loved you so much and wanted you to be just good and at one moment was taken from us. “From a sermon delivered by Yinon’s father on the anniversary of his downfall:” These lines will certainly not be able to contain the great pain we suffered during the year, Dear Sir, Despite the days that have passed, we tried to make you Simcha when every week on Wednesdays, the day you were taken away from us suddenly, we observed a shiur for bringing people closer to you and receiving your receipts in Torah and fear of Heaven. When I said about a year ago, I repeat now that we accept everything with love and everything in me The sky. It is worth noting some of your good deeds and humility, love for others and save themselves for saving the Avishag-year-old brother singing live, about a week before you’re gone and valor, you have to Scripture says, “Whoever saves one from Israel, an entire world.” His sister, Anat, writes to him: “My dear brother Yinon, many questions but no answers … We always ask why you went, a Yaffa young man … You loved life, the joys, But when the days pass and you do not come back, we realize that this is a difficult and painful reality: You are so lacking in daily life, on holidays, in events, when everyone meets, and only you and your little brother are not there. I wish only we could hear your voice from above and you would soothe us when we cry, and especially the dear Mom and Dad who do To please your soul pure. Yinon, remains forever young. That will be soul bound in the bond of life. Your sister Anat loving. ” His sister, Galit, writes to him: “Yinon, it is very sad for us that at such a young age we cut off your life, we did not manage to be with you, and even in olive uniforms I did not see you.We are very without you, the thoughts do not let go, it hurts me very much for my dear parents who have to experience this terrible and great pain every day. Our lives have changed without you, the joy and the laughter are not real. I have never heard you complain … We do not know why you went so young, you were only 18 years old, You have not done anything in your life. The answer is only from above, we do not know the accounts of the Creator … “His sister Ronit writes to him:” My younger brother Yinon, Yinon our dear, why are you so young at the time of your life? You are the hero of the group / you never heard a complaint / Why you loved to live / You did not get continuity. / Yinon, we have so many questions / but only God answers. // Every day that passes even harder / Waiting to come at any time To embrace you / to think that this is just a dream that will not come back / that you come to us with the innocent smile / to think that this is just a dream that will not come back / that you come back with the innocent smile / to think you are in the army “Yinon, my younger brother, without you, life is not what it used to be, we live because we have to live and not as we loved to live, we will pray to God that your pure soul will be in heaven. Let us meet at the coming of the Redeemer, the Mashiach, our Righteous, Amen, loving and painful, with a broken Lev, your sister Ronit. ” Daphna his sister writes to him: “My beloved brother, my nickname, my love for you was a pizzi because I felt you like my little boy, I have always cared for you and you, not worry about any disaster, but of love. “I loved every feature and feature that existed in you, and you in particular. I loved your cleanliness and order and your agility. I loved your courage to do things without fear, just get up and do. And the fact that you never complained about anything. The smile was always on your face, and the most obvious feature was love, help and giving to others without consideration and without consideration. I would like to have not only one feature of yours. Ginny, you were not only a brother but also a friend, I could talk and consult with you about everything and so are you with me, it was fun sitting and talking with you, you had amazing life wisdom. You are so lacking in me, constantly trying to think that this is just a dream, a nightmare I will immediately wake up from and be in front of me. I remember the attack on Zion Square more, you were with your friends and I was with my friends, we came to say hello to you, and a few minutes later there was an explosion. I was so worried that I thought something had happened to you, and I began to cry and cry. My girlfriends told me, ‘Let’s take a taxi and go home.’ I told them, ‘I do not move around without a nap.’ Finally we got into a taxi and all the way I cried. And when we got there I saw you running downstairs and calling to me with tears in my eyes ‘Dafna, Dafna,’ and you hugged me. You worried about me and I and you. I miss you so much, I remember how Simcha I was to see you that day, that you’re all right, I was so glad I saw you then and I’m waiting for it to happen this time too, run to me and call me Dafna, Dafna I’m here. And yes, I remember that damn night where you were taken from us. I came home in the evening and saw you sitting on the sofa in the living room and I was so glad I saw you, I said, ‘Pezzi, how are you? How was today? Where will you put you tomorrow? ‘ And you said to me, ‘In the air force,’ and I answered you, ‘How wonderful, and you will know that tomorrow you will have a short day, just come and change your uniform.’ And we sat and talked, and showed me the new cell phone you bought, the upgrades, and then you brought me the gift you received from meAnd I told you, ‘Ginny will keep it for you.’ And you replied, ‘No, take it, it’s for you. Tomorrow you’ll go take it. ‘ And I answered, ‘Do you know what? I’m going to get you this morning. ‘ Then I asked you if you had anything to eat today and told me, ‘No, what is it?’ We sat and ate soup and saw some TV and then they honked you. My last words to you were ‘Take care of yourself, come back early,’ and to me they would say, ‘Do not worry, baby.’ “I remember feeling like pulling you out the door and not letting you out but then I told myself he just came out of the army and wanted to get out, that makes sense, I ‘m sorry, Jani, tell me how it’ s up. You have always wanted the good for me and that is what I want for you Please tell me if you are good. You love and miss you so much that Libby has already been uprooted, your most loving sister, Daphne. ” His sister, Talia, writes: “Dear Yinon, my Yinon, it took me more than a year to try to write, to express and to reconstruct, but every time I tried to write, the pen slipped from my hands and with tears that choked my throat I could not go on. I wish I could share with you for years, but that’s how fate wanted it – only 18 years in your company.Januni, Yuneka – that was your nickname in my mouth, my memories with you were so Yaffa. , But what I remember most about this is that when you finished your studies at Maimon School, I transferred you to the Amit high school in Jerusalem, where I taught physical education. While you were still a freshman in the ninth grade, when you were in the secretariat for an interview, all the students looked around at you for the handsome boy who came to school and everyone asked in the corridors: Who is this guy? Is it new? And they all saw me with you and asked who it was. So we worked on everyone and told you I was your mother. And we said to each other sentences like: ‘Ginny, have you eaten ten meals?’ And you would answer me: ‘Mom, I do not feel like eating chocolate and a roll today.’ We would burst out laughing at the break. Everyone envied us. At each break I bought you a snack at the grocery store, and after school we sat at a restaurant in the market for lunch every day and then we went to the mall and once to the city and went home. You consulted with me a lot and you were very open to me. I invested a great deal in high school, I really wanted you to succeed, we ran from school to school, we went to school together and I talked to the principals, but you were always important to friends first … I married and moved to the United States. My daughter was born and we came to visit the country, and you were my right hand, we were close, everywhere I took you with me, you helped me take down the cart, pick up a song, play with it, do a baby sitter on it, and do it with love. You were so good with kids and so all the grandchildren loved you. My second son, Zohar, was born. You heard the name ‘Zohar’ (as a burning fan of Zohar Argov) and you said to me on the phone: ‘Talia played it. What a Yaffa name, who thought of that name – the king! ‘… And then, like a thunderstorm, the bitter news … Jani, seven days of weeping, thirty days of eulogies, and a year of grief – the seven days of weeping were very difficult, It was also difficult, but my year of mourning ended with two more losses that I lost in my stomach. But it is nothing compared to your great loss. Even when I lay in the operating room, I mourned and cried at you most of all and did not even think about the baby in my stomach … Janoni, it’s hard for me to be without you, my life has become murky,It was no longer Simcha, all joy mixed with sadness, my visits to Israel had become empty without you. I think about you a great deal, and show your pictures to my children, a song and a radiance that will live and every chance you remember … I sleep, I can not go on because the tears are running out of my eyes without restraint. Ginny, I cry out to our Heavenly Father and pray every day and ask for the resurrection of the dead soon, Amen. Loving, thinking and missing, your sister Talia. “A song written by Talia Linon:” Hello brother, Shalom Yinon, / You are so lacking / Every day that passes / Every time you pass / Always in my mind / You are always with me / Who will suddenly wake up in the middle of the day, / yearning for you so many / remember days with you / and want them to return quickly / the Yaffa and handsome child in the family / baby who all ran around you / who swept the whole group behind him / “What is left to us is to hold on to faith / and hope that my dream will come true …” His brother Ariel writes to him: “Yinon Avraham, my dearest brother, I have feelings for you every day, Study hours. You’re the little brother I had, always with you playing, talking and going out together. During our childhood, we went together to study Torah at Beit VaGan … For me you are a brother and a friend. Every day I admire your measurements, your measurements are still there, they are not in the grave. If you were in trouble, you would come to my aid, you always helped them all and you never got on your body, everyone who knows you knows it, and even when they hurt you, there was never a bad word about you. Even if you were angry, you were always quiet. I remember that in recent years you liked to consult with me. Six months before I left for a matchmaking I started to talk to you about the subject and you explained to me well about every field, you always had something to advise and tried to help, your good Lev did not stop to do well. A month before you left us, you discovered a wonderful heroism as soon as the eldest brother’s daughter died. “Barak fell on a glass table that burst and exploded and all her face was filled with blood. You lifted her vigorously toward the ambulance and tried to calm her parents as much as possible. , Her parents returned to Carmiel and the next day they were told the bitter news … May the things I wrote and the Mishnah that I gave and the lessons I gave and the learning I learned be for your pure soul, from your loving brother who writes with a full Lev. ” (This page is part of the Yizkor memorial project held by the Ministry of Defense)

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