Cohen, Yehoshua

Cohen, Yehoshua

Son of Yitzhak and Mazal Tov. He was born in 1938 in the city of Meknes, Morocco, but was separated from their parents Yehoshua and his brother Yevdel Le’yim, who were transferred to Youth Aliyah and all the children went to Norway. In April 1950. They arrived at Ramat-Hadassah, and about a month after Sukkot they came to Ramat-Yochanan, where he went to Kibbutz Gilead, where he worked as a tractor operator. To train his friends and local children, and was very attached to the agriculture and said that he should hold a permanent position after serving in the IDF. Was drafted into the IDF in January 1956 as part of the Nahal Brigade, and everyone loved him for his good and quiet temperament, for his joy and for his loyalty to his friends and commanders. Upon the outbreak of the Sinai Campaign, he went to battle and on the 27th of Mershvan 5710 (October 31, 1956) he fell. He was buried in the Military Cemetery of the Emergency Army in Shelah and on the 28th of Tishrei 5718 (23.10.1957) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His memory was included in the booklet Tevet 5717 of “Pages” (information of the Department for the Immigration of Youth Children published by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem).

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