Cohen, Yaki Jacob

Cohen, Yaki Jacob

Ben Esther and Aaron. Was born on October 22, 1974. He was the second son in the family, after the eldest Yosef, and after a few years the family had two more sons, Eyal and Eldad, who studied for six years at the Achim elementary school in Kiryat Malachi went on to go to a general high school for three years, and in two years he studied in a comprehensive religious school in the electricity sector. At the end of November 1993, Yaki enlisted in the IDF, serving as a driver and a quartermaster, serving as a soldier and as a quartermaster, and he did everything he was asked to do quietly, out of a desire to contribute to the army and to the unit in which he served. He was in a hurry to forgive and accept those who annoyed him, because of his social behavior was loved and accepted by all his friends On February 12, 1996, two weeks before his release from the IDF, Yaki During his service, in a traffic accident at the Rahat junction. In the same accident, the driver of the vehicle in which Yaki was traveling and six other passengers were also injured. Yaki was laid to rest in the military section of the Kiryat Malachi cemetery. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. Survived by his parents and three brothers. To commemorate the name of Yaki Jacob, a Torah scroll was purchased and placed in the synagogue where the family is praying.

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