Cohen, Yaakov (Yankele)

Cohen, Yaakov (Yankele)

Son of Sarah and Pinchas. Was born in 1908 in Haifa to a working family, his father was the first shamash of the first beit hakeneset of the Ashkenazi community in Haifa, “Hadrat Kodesh.” Yaakov studied at the “Hadar” and elementary school, founded by Alliance, and later worked as a carpenter’s apprentice. He joined the “Poalei Zion” party at a young age, where he became a shepherd in the kibbutz, and where he was recognized as a loyal friend and dedicated to his work. He immigrated to Kfar Etzion in 1936 and participated in its defense, and when he returned to Kibbutz Kfar Etzion he returned to his kibbutz in 1937. In 1937 he enlisted in the Nutrim Corps. On 24 Tevet, 15.1.1939, his unit was attacked by a gang of smugglers who came from across the border, and three shots hit Yaakov’s throat and he died minutes later. Yaakov was killed the day before he was to be married, and he was laid to rest in the Kfar Giladi cemetery. He left parents and a brother.

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