Cohen, Yaakov (Kobi)

Cohen, Yaakov (Kobi)

Ben Yael and Shaul. He was born on September 3, 1975 in Moshav Even Menachem. Kobi was the youngest of the six children of the family, brother Liifa, Leah, Sharona, Galit and Amos. For six years, Kobi studied at the elementary school in Shomera and four years in the regional school in Kibbutz Kabri, in the electricity track. After completing his 10-year studies, Kobi decided to stop his studies and work in his parents’ farm to help them with their various jobs. Before his enlistment, Kobi took a pre-military course and in early November 1993 he joined the IDF. During his service, Koby underwent several training courses and was awarded the rank of sergeant.Kobi was able to integrate socially and even helped and helped his friends on his time and energy On 16 November 1995, Koby fell during his service and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. He was twenty years old when he fell, leaving behind his parents, four sisters and a brother.

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