Cohen, Yaakov

Cohen, Yaakov

Son of Hasiba and Masoud. Yaakov was born in Morocco on the 9th of Tishrei, 5720 (October 9, 1959.) The family immigrated to Israel when he was about five years old, they settled in Acre and he attended religious elementary school. In 1978, Yaakov was drafted into the IDF for compulsory military service and served as a chef in the kitchen. In October 1982, Yaakov volunteered for permanent service in the Border Police and was placed as a cook in Company C, whose location was then in Lebanon. Despite his brief period in the unit, he was admired and loved by both policemen and commanders. Major-General Ya’akov fell while serving in Lebanon, during the first Tsur disaster. On the morning of the 25th of Kislev 5743 (11.11.1982), during the Peace for Galilee War, an explosion occurred in a building in the city of Tzur, home to the Israeli military government and many IDF forces, and about one hundred people were killed, including seventy-six members of the Israeli security forces. Yaakov was twenty-three years old when he died, and was buried in the cemetery in Nahariya. Yaakov’s family commemorated him by donating a menorah to the synagogue in Acco.

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