Cohen, Simcha (Sima)

Cohen, Simcha (Sima)

Simcha, daughter of Yaakov and Levana Cohen, was born on July 10, 1925 in Jerusalem. She studied at the “Kol Israel Haverim” school and after graduating she went to work to relieve her parents of their burden of living. During the Second World War, she volunteered for the British Air Force (RA). During her years of service she worked mainly as a nurse and specialized in this field. After her discharge she began to work as a civilian nurse in the government hospital in Jaffa until the outbreak of the War of Independence. In those days she visited a mental institution in Bat Yam and because of the siege on the place, she could not return home. In mid-1948, she enlisted in the IDF, joined the air force and was promoted to the rank of air controller. On 1 Cheshvan (24.10.1949) she died and was buried in Sheik Badar and on the 18th of Sivan 5761 (21.6.1951) was put to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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