Cohen, Shmuel

Cohen, Shmuel

Son of Miriam and Aharon, was born on the 13th of Adar, February 5, 1928 in Jerusalem. Shmuel was hired to work in a British army camp and would transfer important information that greatly aided his comrades in the underground. In 1947 he was arrested by the British and sent to Latrun. When he was released after the declaration of the state, Shmuel returned to Jerusalem and joined the “Thirty Guard” founded by the former Latrun detainees. Shmuel participated in most of the battles in Jerusalem and was nicknamed “Killing Jordan.” With his natural cheerfulness, he could always improve the mood of his friends and they rewarded him with the nickname “Yekke”. In the battle of Malcha he rescued many wounded from the fire by carrying them on his shoulders to the first aid station. He continued to perform his duty faithfully until he fell on the 9th of Tammuz 5708 (July 16, 1948.) He was buried in Sheikh Bader A. On 28 Elul, September 10, 1950, he was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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