Cohen, Shlomo (Edward)

Cohen, Shlomo (Edward)

Son of-Allen and Victor (Avigdor) was born on July 2, 1922 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and grew up in an assimilated environment, where he graduated from high school and was accepted to the university. He was drafted into the South African Air Force, became a pilot of a fighter-to-lieutenant, and when he was discharged he did not return to school and worked as a clerk in his father’s business. He also had a tendency to music and acquired a familiarity with it, and meeting with Zionist friends, like his fellow soldiers, who said they would immigrate to Eretz Israel, In 1947 he immigrated to Israel and joined his friends in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, where Eddie experienced difficult adaptations until he found his place in the vegetable industry and wondered about his vocation and criticized the form of ” The new life, which has not yet satisfied him, finally reawakened the study of the Antiquities of the Land, and through this science he called the homeland and at the same time was called back to the flag. On his last flight to southern Israel, on the mission of the bombing of Ashdod, he left on the 29th of May 1948, but did not return to his base, and after he fell he was granted the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel (Lieutenant). 1951) was brought to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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