Cohen, Shay-Yosef (Shiko)

Cohen, Shay-Yosef (Shiko)

Son of Odette and Edward. Born on 7 July 1968 in Hadera, Shai studied at the Kaplan Elementary School in the Beit Eliezer neighborhood of Hadera and completed his studies at the Mevo’ot Yam School in Michmoret in the field of ship mechanics. He was also interested in marine, swimming, diving, windsurfing and windsurfing, as well as riding motorcycles and jeeps, and was a handsome young man with a good Lev who loved to help and contribute. Shai was drafted into the IDF in October 1986 and stationed at the Navy base in Haifa. After basic training he successfully completed a naval engine course and served as an operator in the technical company. He was a good disciplined soldier and his commanders made him a corporal. On the 9th of Sivan, 5758 (25 May 1988) Shai fell in his service and was taken to the eternal military cemetery in Hadera, leaving behind his father, brother and two sisters, Clara and Victoria. His duty is always impeccable. In his death, we lost a first-rate soldier who could have contributed much more to the unit and to the state … We will always remember him smiling, devoted and loyal. “A Torah library in his name and memory was put into the Keter Torah Synagogue in Hadera.

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