Cohen, Shamai

Cohen, Shamai

Son of David HaKohen and her daughter. He was born on November 20, 1949, in Moshav Bnai Brith (Moledet). He studied at the elementary school in Zofit and in the years 5718-1989 he lived with his family in Amsterdam, where his father was sent on a mission by the Jewish Agency. Shammai missed the country very much, mainly because he was used to living in rural surroundings and spending most of his time on nature walks. When he returned to Israel with his parents, he finished elementary school and was accepted to the Ami Assaf High School in Beit Berl. He found great interest in biology and participated in classes and lab work for the students of the Beit Berl seminary. The biology teacher highly valued his skills and said that he did not fall short of his knowledge of his adult students, despite his youth. Shammai took care of animals in the zoo and loved to do nature walks, but his love of music and piano piano was his main concern. He would spend many hours at the piano listening to classical music. Even when he was on holiday, during his army service, he would go first to his favorite instrument of all – the piano. Shammai was by nature an independent boy, and sitting in class was a heavy burden. Although he always accepted the teachers’ opinion, he demanded a great deal of freedom – and he accepted it too. The teachers at their yeshiva concluded: “Do not disturb the Shamai.” He read a lot and was interested in serious, philosophical literature. He was drafted into the IDF in November 1967 and excelled as a daring soldier, who gradually rose to the rank of lieutenant, and was a courageous young man who was not afraid even during the difficult times when he was with his unit in the Suez Canal area. , On December 5, 1970, he fell in battle in the area of ​​the Suez Canal and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Zofit, where he was raised to the rank of lieutenant a few days after his fall, and poet Dalia Ravikovitch wrote a poem Raised the memory of Shamai.

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