Cohen, Shai

Cohen, Shai

Son of Yochanan and Hannah. He was born on the 24th of Kislev 5707 (24.11.1955) in Haifa, where he grew up and studied at the elementary school near the Riali in Haifa, and when his family left for England he continued his studies there. During his studies, he was a member of the Scouts movement in Israel and the Habonim youth movement in Britain, and the fact that he lived near the seashore gave rise to an interest in marine activities, especially swimming and sailing. As part of his interest in physics and exact sciences, and thanks to his awareness of the problems of society and state, Shay wrote a final paper on ” He was very involved with his parents and siblings and was interested in continuing his studies at the Technion and was looking for ways to contribute to his contribution. Shai was drafted into the IDF at the end of January 1975, and was awarded a personal license for a pilot course. He successfully passed all stages of the course, long and hard, and received the wings of the pilot. His commanders admired him by saying: “He fulfills his duty willingly and does a very good job in the field in which he deals.” And another commander noted that Shai is “a very good officer, responsible and dedicated.” On the 18th of Adar 5737 (8.3.1977) Shay was killed while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents and brother.

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