Cohen, Ovadia

Cohen, Ovadia

Son of David and Hannah. Born in 1960 in Aleppo, Syria, he immigrated to Israel with his family in August 1960. At first the family lived in Haifa, where Ovadia spent his early childhood, including kindergarten, and in the first grade the Cohen family moved to Kiryat- Atta attended the “Atzma’ut” elementary school and after six years went to junior high and finished tenth grade in high school, then went to study car mechanics at the military school in Kurdistan, completing his high school studies. He was an old man in a well-to-do family and was treated with special care by the parents, but as a boy he was only shy and naive, but he became an active and socially acceptable young man After his school hours, Ovadia was active in the community club near his home, where he served as a social guide and sports instructor, and his good spirit, his initiative, and his dedication to the cause all contributed to his success in his club functions. His teachers and his friends, and above all he excelled with great sensitivity and healthy senses On 6 November 1977 he was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Armored Corps as a driver. The army showed great respect and seriousness and aspired to a military career. He served in a combat unit and was satisfied. On the 5th of Shevat 5739 (February 5, 1979), Ovadia died in the military cemetery in Haifa and left behind his parents, brothers and sisters. , Stood out for his personal integrity and his dedication to the tasks he was assigned and Milan flawlessly … There is no cost to its employees, a figure that is hard to forget. A model soldier and a model driver, devoted and loyal. We all loved him. “His parents immortalized him in a Torah library he founded for him in the Syrian-Syrian synagogue in Kiryat Ata.

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