Cohen, Nir

Cohen, Nir

The eldest son of Nava and Giora. He was born and raised in Rishon Letzion until the second grade In 1991, when he was in third grade, the family moved to the settlement of Assaf Harofeh, Maccabim, where Nir continued to study until the sixth grade at the “Maoz Maccabim” elementary school, after which he studied in the junior high school and the “Merar Maccabim and Reut” High School. When he was in ninth grade he traveled with his parents on a mission to the United States, where he acquired a high level of English that helped him later in life. Nir was very musical, and at the age of five he carried his small guitar everywhere and even performed in Rishon Letzion with the song “Hoffa Ola” in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. He loved playing the guitar without fear of audience. In seventh grade he began to study classical guitar, then acoustic guitar and finally discovered the electric guitar. There was no quiet moment in the house, and every time Snir discovered a certain style of music, the family discovered him too: from Beethoven to the Beatles, from Bob Dylan to Miles Davis, from Ehud Banai to Meir Ariel. A wide range of styles characterized Nir’s playing, but Jazz and Blues were the main ones. Nir also made a classical guitar mat at the level of 5 units. Nir also liked sports, especially hockey on a field, roller skates and skiing. He read a lot, especially English, and especially classical literature such as Dostoevsky’s books or “Catch 22”. Nir was deep in thinking about his ambitions, he used to write his own dilemmas and experiences. He hid his talent for painting for many years because he thought it was a “not very masculine” hobby. From his childhood, he traveled with his family in Israel and abroad and joined the natureguard groups of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). Out of love for the country and its trips, Nir wanted to guide the cadets he knew as a trainee. The dream of educating and traveling at the same time was realized only after he was discharged from military service and worked on a program of the Jewish Agency. Nir joined the Air Force in November 2001 and was assigned to the position of Aircraft Technician. After a few days he realized that he was not suitable, and wished for the position of combatant. In March 2002, he was drafted into the Armored Corps. He was assigned to the 82nd Battalion of the 7th Brigade, and within a week he became a morale. He was trained to be a tank driver, and after a year and a half of operational activity he was found suitable to go to a combat paramedics course. The course made Nir take an interest in biology, where his parents work. During the course he was wounded in the eye, sent to another course, and finally completed his training as a company medic, and during his military service Nir served as a HAFL and tank driver, and was active in Nablus, the Golan Heights, and the northern border posts. When he was a paramedic in Gaza, the doctor was discharged and Nir was replaced and rushed for medical treatment in the entire sector. During the course of his service, Nir trained in the “Danny” camp in memory of Major Pesach, who was killed in the Yom Kippur War in the battle for the blacksmith. He told his friends about his legacy Danny, who was the deputy commander of the 82nd Battalion, and the commander of the battalion’s regiment units, also because of personal knowledge, since Danny was the son of his father’s grandparents. When he was released in March 2005, he returned to the original song, translated by Meir Ariel: “Took Took on the Doors of Merom” (translated by Bob Dylan). Nir had many dreams: to pass the psychometric test, to complete his matriculation exams, to travel in Israel and abroad (South America or Australia), to guide and guide the country.He had had enough of the dreams. His dream of being a professional tour guide in his country he loved – was not realized. After he was killed, the family received a permit that Snir was accepted for a tour guide course. He celebrated his release in 2005 with his friends on a journey along the Israel Trail from Eilat to Metula, and immediately began working at odd jobs and completed his matriculation exams in mathematics and English, but did not have time to see his final grades. In addition, he enrolled in a psychometric course. Thanks to his experience and talent in English, he did not need an English course. Six months after the liberation, he decided that he wanted to engage in more serious work that would suit his aspirations and abilities. Nir saw education as a love of the homeland as a very serious and important thing. When he decided that he wanted to guide young Jews from all over the world here in Israel, it was the most natural and right thing for him. In spite of the long admissions process, the admissions committee fell in love with him at first sight and passed him directly to the desired role: a social guide for Jewish youth from the Diaspora, a Jewish Agency project called “The Israel Experience” and a project for overseas guides. “I met Nir Cohen six months earlier on the descent from line eight in Jerusalem, and I was on my way to a job interview at the Jewish Agency, and Molly stood in a guy with curly hair, a buttoned shirt and sandals, standing and smiling. I have not had the strength for another one of those members of this reconnaissance unit, Hanana Fingin must have a case in the bag, I thought to myself, I know enough of them, and a month later I meet him again in the final stages of the selection process and two months later I find myself sharing the room with him The number 90 that the Jewish Agency gave us in Kiryat Moriah, Jerusalem, and it turns out that we both had to move in. Nir did not like football So we talked about music, and at the end of each day he took a guitar and sang, sang Meir Ariel, Ehud Banai, Danny Litani, I was not one of the big fans of all of these, but I learned to love them, and Nir too. We talked about renting an apartment in Tel Aviv together, about a psychometric exam, about studying … “Nir’s apprentices loved him very much. He served as a mother, father, friend, attentive earner, medic and tour guide for those Jewish youth who came from all over the world to experience the Israeli-Zionist experience, to travel and internalize reality in Israel. Nir lived with them for four months in Kiryat Moriah in Jerusalem. Each instructor was responsible for accompanying the sick students to the doctor. In the winter months, many of the trainees were sick, and the idea was raised that the responsibility would be shared among the team members, and each guide would accompany the patients in turn. When Nir heard this, he immediately raised his voice and said, “They are my apprentices and I will take responsibility for their escort to the doctor.” In his work he was enthusiastic and believed in what he had done. In a personal example, he transmitted the good message of the land to his disciples, and succeeded in instilling the love of Israel in their hearts through the knowledge of the land through listening, sniffing, tasting and walking. After his death, dozens of letters and songs were sent to the Cohen family from all over the world to express their condolences and to tell them what they had experienced with Nir in Israel, his sense of humor, his knowledge of what he had told and explained in discussions and conversations. They were exposed to his devotion and love to Israel in political debates, songs and trips. He was caring and always willing to help. A person full of energy, initiatives and ideas. His teammates said that he inspired them with his caring and his influence around him. In the days leading up to the disaster, Nir was busy organizing the new apartment he rented in Tel Aviv, where he was supposed to pass. In the early days of the Second Lebanon War, Nir Bakura was updated on the battlefield by his friends. “he is notHe understood how they had not called him yet, wanted to be there, and after a few days he got what he wanted, “said Oron Gilboa, who received his own order 8 at the end of July 2006. He volunteered to serve as a tank driver, Nir volunteered both because of the lack of fighters and because he thought that serving in a tank during war was more important than his role as a medic, and the values ​​on which he grew up and his courage guided him in his decision. Hadar Nofar asked Nir to keep his father, Hadar said: “In a chilling conversation he told L. That he entered Lebanon. “He was supposed to serve as a paramedic,” the family members said, “but he told his commanders he missed driving in the tank, and so he accepted the mission, from which he did not return” Nir was a strong fighter, stubborn and hard on the outside, yet soft and compassionate from the inside, supportive, kind and responsible, Nir gave his life for his homeland On 9 August 2006, Nir fell in battle In southern Lebanon An anti-tank missile hit a tank in which he was staying with his friends during an operational operation near the village of Aita a-Shaab in the western sector. His three comrades fell into the tank – Captain Gilad Stuckelman, Sergeant Nimrod Segev and Sergeant Noam Goldman. He was twenty-three when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and two brothers – Noa and Eyal. He was promoted to sergeant after his death. Instead of the pre-planned birthday party, his family had to pay last respects and walk the funeral procession. Twenty-three summers of supreme bliss came to an end yesterday, and instead of putting out the candles in the cake, we light them now, here, for your memory. So, here we are all here, except for you.You always celebrate your birthdays in unusual places or on walks or in the army, and now on your last trip, here on Mount Herzl, we celebrate twenty-three years of pure love, A second we shared with you, you were killed on Valentine’s Day, you always had unconventional ways to express your love for us and the girls you pursued. We have received the last message, and we have received it, only with the help of our love for you will we be strengthened and strengthened, with no trace of anger, only with thoughts of your smiles and hugs, without a trace of unnecessary questions that are unanswered. We are all right, you know us, we’re the kind of survivor, the nerd, they all came here to mourn you, I do not understand how it’s even possible to mourn you, you, my life symbol, teacher my way! After all, when the situation gets a bit difficult, it was you who came and improved the situation. You’ve always come, bridged, completed, removed the guitar, pulled out your famous smile, shook the long curls, and life was once again so perfect. You always taught me that when you laugh at you, you have to laugh at them back, and like this yekke recipe it worked every time: a cup of black coffee in the morning, a big spoon of cynicism, a guitar connected like an infusion, a lot of laughter and caring for others and endless love that never ends. “Lieutenant Colonel Roni Tidhar, commander of the unit, wrote in a letter of condolence to the family:” Nir, blessed memory, went out with his team to intercept terrorist squads andTo damage the terrorist infrastructure in the region. During the fighting, a bomb was detonated and missiles were fired at Nir’s tank. The day before, in a highly professional operation, Nir and his team destroyed a Hizbullah cell in the village of Ramia. Nir joined the unit on the recruitment day. Despite the short time he spent with us, we learned to know a beautiful, beautiful, smiling and joyful young man. He was a friend of truth, helped everyone who needed him and sang a pleasant atmosphere around him. Nir was impressed by his love for the country, his devotion to the mission and the spirit of fighting that characterized him. “A memorial was erected in his memory in Jerusalem, in Kiryat Moriah, in the Jewish Agency compound. She spent two days cleaning in Israel in memory of Nir, who loved the country, to walk along its paths and paths, and his friends Tal Sperling and Mark Kivan wrote a poem in his memory.

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