Cohen, Moshe

Cohen, Moshe

Moshe, son of Rachel and Nissim Cohen, was born in 1919 in the city of Aleppo, Syria, a descendant of the famous Salvira family. He studied Torah in the beit midrash and general studies in a regular school. When he was seven years old, he was orphaned from his mother, but he bore his suffering in peace and continued to study until he graduated with honors. At the age of 13, Moshe immigrated to Israel and after a while was accepted to clerical work at Singer in Tel Aviv. At the age of 18 he married but was not blessed with children. Moshe was humble and happy to live in the Land of Israel. Moshe came to the defense of the homeland even before his enlistment and served in the Golani brigade. On May 6, 1948, a force from the brigade raided the Arab village of A-Zabah near Beit Keshet, took control of it and blew up some of its houses. The withdrawal was delayed and in the process the Arabs organized a counter-attack. Moshe fell in the midst of the harsh retreat, on the 27th of Nissan 5708 (May 6, 1948). He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Beit Keshet.

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