Cohen, Mordechai

Cohen, Mordechai

Son of Perla and Yosef, was born in 1896 in Istanbul, the capital of Turkey. He received a Jewish education and acquired a high-school education and later dealt in commerce. In order to give his children a national religious education and to join the homeland of the Jewish people, he immigrated to Israel in 1934 with his wife and three daughters. Mordechai opened a commercial house in Jerusalem and was moderate and modest in his manner. At the beginning of the war in Jerusalem, after the United Nations General Assembly decided on November 29, 1947, to divide the country into two states, the Arab rioters looted his shop in the commercial center, because of his age he was not recruited for military service. ‘- to prepare the airport and to build the Burma Road – to break the siege ring on the Holy City.` He recently worked on the fortifications in the front line of our positions in Abu Tor, where a sniper shot fell on the 18th of Av 5748 (August 23, 1948) On the 17th of Elul 5706 (August 30, 1950) he was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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