Cohen, Meir

Cohen, Meir

Son of Esther and Shalom. Meir was born in Tiberias in February 1921. He grew up and was educated in the city of Tiberias, where he was a member of Rabbi Bibas’s Talmud Torah school, and in 1942, at the age of eighteen, Meir enlisted in the British Army, By the national institutions to fight the Nazis. After a period of military service in Libya and Egypt he was transferred to Italy. He later took an active part in assisting the immigration of Jews, Holocaust survivors, to Palestine. In 1946, Meir joined the Palmach and served as a policewoman in the settlement police, and in May Meir married a wife, and in the following years his children were born: Meir, a devoted father, was a favorite among all his friends and acquaintances. On July 1, 1954, while commanding the Coast Guard ship, heavy artillery fire fell on the eastern shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee, at the foot of the Golan Heights (then under control) The Syrians). Meir was critically wounded and rushed to the Shweitzer hospital in Tiberias. All the doctors’ efforts to save him failed, and after a serious operation he died. Meir was thirty-three years old when he fell. He was buried in a cemetery in Tiberias. He left a wife and four children.

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