Cohen, Leon

Cohen, Leon

Born in 1954 in Istanbul, Turkey, to Sultana and Yitzhak, Leon was born in Kiryat Malachi and moved to Lod, where he graduated from the Herzliya State School. He continued to study at the Ramle-Lydda High School, a pleasant lad, and a devoted son of his parents, who used to help with everything and was known to have “gold hands.” Leon used to read books with great enthusiasm. Leon was drafted into the IDF in early February 1973 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing his basic training, he completed his tank training course and was appointed as a liaison officer in the armored corps unit in the south. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he was stationed in Sinai. On the 11th of Tishrei 5734 (7.10.1973), eight months after he was drafted into the IDF, he fell in battle and his burial place was unknown, leaving behind his parents, sister and two brothers, They brought the bodies of Leon and his friend to the tank crew Mordechai Nadiv, near their place of landing in the Sinai. Twenty-six years after his fall, Leon was brought to Jewish burial on December 8, 1999, at the military cemetery in Ramle.

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