Cohen, Lee-Lilos

Cohen, Lee-Lilos

Orly and Aaron. She was born on January 28, 1980 in Jerusalem, the eldest daughter of her parents, a sister to Maor and Rotem, grew up in Beit Shemesh, and attended the Jabotinsky elementary school until the sixth grade, and continued to grades 7 through 9, She moved to live in Jerusalem, in the Beit Hakerem neighborhood, and moved to live with her family, where she continued to study at Boyar and graduated from high school. As an external student, Li excelled in her studies and social relations at school, and at parents’ meetings her parents heard only good things about her. She was very independent and had her own will, self-confidence and a lot of personal charm, all loved the inner beauty of her sensitivity, The wisdom and nobility of her behavior, she knew how to be serious when necessary, and she loved to help when needed, whether at home or in the midst of her friends, in addition to the seriousness with which she took things, love to run wild, to rejoice, to dance and to love. Always dressed as a tip-top, in fashion, was a source of imitation for her many friends. Along with the love of life and entertainment, I was attracted to literature, art and poetry. Love to read books of all kinds, especially books of philosophy and poetry. When she came across a quotation or a line from a poem that was spoken to her heart, she used to copy and preserve it in her diary. I loved the art of sculpture and painting very much. During the school days, she began studying at a sculpture department in the museum, where she did not persevere, but since then she has liked to visit various exhibitions, especially in the museum and at the “Hutzot Hayotzer” fair in Jerusalem. She used to buy special sculptures she loved, and her room in the house was over the years a miniature museum. Lee had a lot of writing and photography. Since the sixth grade she used to write diaries, in which she described her experiences, feelings and thoughts. When she was in high school, Li traveled to Germany for three weeks, after completing high school, she traveled to the United States and before she enlisted in the army, she traveled to Sinai. Whether it is from the understanding of the tragedy of the Jewish people in Europe, whether from the experience of traveling in the Americas or from the peace and tranquility of the Bedouins in Sinai, Li returned from her travels with diaries full of experiences and a wealth of pictures, most of which she herself photographed with great expertise. Next to each picture, make sure to note the place, the time and the feeling These albums, with the magnificent landscape pictures combined with the amazing beauty of Lee, made her family enjoy her long time after the trip, and she used to write poems, exciting songs that expressed the heart’s feelings. And she was always very fond of her family and friends, and she had a good habit of adding to her gifts a personal blessing that she invested deeply in her writing, and that reading it was always moving, and she had an excellent connection with all her family. One is amazing, “said her mother.” There are no exaggerations here. We had a wonderful relationship-mutual respect, a lot of love, a lot of good. We used to travel together, visit exhibitions and go to plays … We used to talk about everything, school, friends, family, and I was always impressed by her expressiveness, maturity and the ability to analyze and the depth she came to. “She enlisted in the IDF in 1998. She completed a naval training course and began serving in a unit near Jerusalem. On the 4 th of Tevet 5759 (January 4, 1999) I fell during her service and she is nineteen years old. Was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem. Survived by parents, brother and sister. Orly writes: “Her character accompanies us when she laughs, smiles, is happy and happy, her life was full of content, deep experiences, trips around the country and a little in the world. Every time she arrived, at random or in planning, she left a mark … Everyone wanted to know this wonderful and special girl. “

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