Cohen, Itzik (Yitzhak)

Cohen, Itzik (Yitzhak)

Ben Margalit and Haim. Born on May 5, 1987. In Haifa he was the second child of four children, brother to Shlomi, Karin and Nir, and he was active, curious and interested in what was going on, and on his face was an eternal smile He was a little shy but very smart, and at the age of six the family moved to Karmiel, where Itzik acquired his education, and began his studies at the Alon elementary school, where he was a very good student. , His parents registered him in the karate class, but Itzik Bashlo – remained shy, modest, and smiling, and in his spare time loved to ride a bike and play ball games with his brother in the garden. He continued to develop a new hobby and tried different directions: a year ago, he was a member of the “Ort Carmim” junior high school in Carmiel, One participated in the “Gadna” shooting squad, liked to shoot at targets and then went swimming and registered to the pool. During the summer, swimming was the place to spend time with friends. Another direction that Itzik was interested in was computers, software and electronics. Therefore, at the end of the junior high school, he decided not to continue to Ort Kramim High School, where he did not have an electronics or computer program, but to move to Ort Hurvitz High School and study in his preferred track. As an ambitious and opinionated boy, Itzik chose to learn more about the real subjects: five units of mathematics, five physics units, and ten units of electronics. Due to his high achievements, he was chosen in 2004 to represent his school at the Telecom conference – a conference organized by the Ministry of Education, the IDF and the high-tech industries in Israel. In the house, Itzik was a devoted brother, loved and loved by his brothers, and because of the small difference in age, there was a wonderful system of friendship between the brothers that made Itzik very happy. They played together, went on walks, laughed and quarreled High school with a matriculation certificate and certificate technology which is very good grades. At the end of September 2005, Itzik joined the IDF, and naturally, thanks to the skills and training, was assigned to the Air Force. He completed a successful avionics technician course, was certified for all major maintenance activities for the Barak aircraft, and was referred to the Ramat David base for avionics technicians on this aircraft. Shortly after reaching Ramat David, the Second Lebanon War broke out. Itzik, a soldier with values ​​and a volunteer spirit, did not disdain any job and willingly joined the general effort. The picture that his friends see during the war is that Itzik drives a tractor and carries bombs. After the war ended, Itzik accumulated experience and expertise in the field of avionics and was trained as a pilot on the Barak plane. His job included handling fire control systems, electronic warfare and communications systems in the aircraft. Itzik was very fond of the job and was eager to go for every call to handle the wrong systems. Parallel to his work at level A, he also worked in the second level, and in this framework he handled communication systems in the laboratory. In April 2008, Itzik was designated as Plastist (authorized signatory) after undergoing technical English training – Level B and C. His ambition and desire to move up the ranks were at his side, but not for long. On the 5th of Tevet 5768 (5.1.2008) Itzik fell during his service and he is a mothRim and one. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Karmiel military cemetery. Survived by parents, two brothers and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. The brothers eulogized him: “It is difficult to write a white eulogy even if he is twenty, but we owe it to all the people who came to say goodbye to you in your last moments with us so that they will know what a child you were, a child with a great soul, a pure child, Before him, a child without a drop of evil, an ambitious child who never gives up, a loving child, you have always been curious and knowledgeable, learning the environment, gaining tremendous mental strength to give to others.There were those who thought you were too lenient and did not know your strength and strong spirit, But when you were recognized, accept your giving with the appreciation you deserved.Two years of learning you have successfully passed through the Irisim, Kramim and Hurvitz schools, You have received the foundation of values ​​for love of others, and for enriching your natural knowledge. “You have learned what you love and your grades have shown that you have assimilated your love for your studies. A full matriculation certificate, excellent grades, and a technological diploma in electronics and physics. This is proof of the amount of information that was in your head. “Your ambition was to improve English, to study psychometric exams, to study in a higher education school, to get married and to raise a family, and now all aspirations have vanished in one fell swoop. To this day you have been in a childhood paradise and today you are in Heaven, which protects us from all evil. “… we will always remember you.” In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the Israel Air Force, Major General Eliezer Shkedi, wrote: “Yitzhak’s commanders say that he had outstanding personal abilities: a highly motivated, devoted, talented and professional soldier who loved to help others. With sensitivity to those around him, in good and pleasant human relations, and his untimely death is a great loss for you, the unit, and the entire air force. ” At the end of the seven-day mourning period, the family wrote: “Itzik is charming, we are hurt and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the disaster that struck our family, but proud and stronger than the power that was embedded in you, which permeated your family.” Itzik, the number of people who visited your home over the past week. , Commanders, neighbors, acquaintances and, of course, the family, are the symbol of your wonderful personality, melody and warmth, manners and mannerisms, and also the shyness that was in you, empowering us and giving us the strength to walk with our heads up and continue. Your soul remains strong within us, we feel you every moment and stroke you all the time. ” Itzik’s commanders gathered a special booklet of farewell letters written in his memory, and submitted it to the family. “I knew Itzik as a dear, gentle and pleasant man,” wrote Major Amir Desheva, commander of the Avionics Division. Itzik was also an excellent technician and worthy of any appreciation. I admired him very much. From my acquaintance with you I understand why Itzik was the man who was, there is no doubt that your wonderful family has left its mark on it. This booklet is presented to you as a symbol of the connection we want with you. It contains the feelings of Itzik’s commanders and friends, and so we will remember him forever. “The commander of Itzik, Ophir, said:” I had the privilege of being the commander of a wonderful person like you, modest, quiet, His work is faithful, your sudden departure has left me stunned and hurt … You must be missing all of us in the view of the division … I will always remember you … “Alex Caesar wrote:” Itzik, during your service in the Airborne Corps, , Full of joy, very professional and aspiring to grow. I liked to talk to you about the day’s affairs, studies, and any subject that came to mind. “Itzik always knew how to find the good thing in everything, even if it was difficult, and to make everyone smile around … I always knew that when I needed help and turned around I would see Itzik giving it, And when I look forward I will see him dragging me to a goal … Itzik has an occupying personality, a person who loves to help, always nice and kind to me as a friend, and that’s why it’s so hard for me to say goodbye … ” Did not it say about you? A boy with a golden heart, my family, a model friend and loved by everyone. It’s hard to separate from you … you were an inseparable part of us. … We all know how close you were to your home and family and rightly so – we saw a warm and united family. No wonder you grew up to be such a wonderful and admirable person. You were so nice to everyone and funny with indifference and shyness that is so typical of you … You were so proud of the role you play in the IDF … You were more than a friend – you were my family and I’m glad I had the privilege of being your friend. ” “I love you … You are a boy, and you are only twenty years old and you went to the angels … too early … I say … too early …, so early … that I have not yet dealt with the loss Of a friend and it has not been twelve hours … and I learn to carry a coffin with a space inside … but it is not just a closet, it’s your coffin … Your Itzik … I had to, you see, I had the need to respect “With a great deal of pain, memories and longing … goodbye my brother, see you, Itzik …” Shlomi wrote: “When a person walks in a flower garden, he chooses the most beautiful and picks them up. So is Itzik a flower that God took from us And now that he is shaken in heaven, and guarded him now that he is a beautiful flower, his rest shall be paradise. ” Gil wrote: “One of the main things that helped me continue to reach this stage of my military service was you, a real person, funny, witty, smart, sweet, kindhearted … I loved your creativity so much. How to get ahead, how to succeed, how to achieve and get the most out of yourself and whatever you are dealing with … It was a great honor to meet such an amazing person as you, I will never forget you. Wrote his cousin Liron Hoch: “Itzik, yesterday you were picked from the land of life and you are only 20. He was a young man and he saw that he was no longer … Before he died, Itzik died and he sang his life in the middle. Who had to say and did not do everything he wanted to do, and did not have time to give everything he could give Itzik, we life is commanded to remember and always keep us in one bundle We will remember you as a cute child, shy and somewhat reserved, pleasant, charming, And know that upon your departure there remains in us a void that will never be filled again. ” “I’ll never forget you because you’re more precious than anything,” wrote cousin Idan Hoch, “and if you read it from above, you probably understand why I call you” dear to me. “I thank God that I had the great privilege of knowing you and hearing For me you are an angel who accompanies me forever. “

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