Cohen, Israel (“Srul”)

Cohen, Israel (“Srul”)

Son of-Shmuel-Isaac and Nechama. He was born in Orr on March 3, 1946 in Jerusalem, where he studied at the “Uziel” elementary school, where he studied for two years at the “Nativ Maor” high school in Jerusalem and the year He was a member of the “Bnei Akiva” youth movement and was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement in the Nahal paramilitary unit, because even when he was a student, he spoke of the Nahal with great admiration. He did not quarrel with his parents, even with his parents, when he did not like him. When he was drafted into the IDF in January 1964, he was sent to the course of the General Staff, and after completing the course with honors, he moved to an officers’ course and became a platoon commander in the school of the Nahal commander. He was not born to be a staff officer and did not like the desk of the office, so he asked to be re-appointed as a platoon commander and in the meantime he took a parachuting course and was promoted to To the lieutenant, in the position of company commander, he also took care of physical food, as well as the spiritual nourishment of his soldiers. He was loyal to his role, but not only a good disciplined soldier, but also a guide, a leader and a fighter – and was therefore loved by all his subordinates and would have influenced his comrades in his peace of mind and the remarkable moderation that contributed greatly to stability and purposefulness. He spent about a year in the career army after completing his regular service. At that time, he decided that at the end of the year he would study economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but the Six Day War broke out. He participated in dozens of ambushes, was one of the soldiers of the covering in one of the last retaliation operations against the people of Al-Fatah, but to a real battle with the enemy came only in the Sinai desert. In the battle that took place in Umm Katef in Sinai, light fell on the 27th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), which is the second day of the battles, as it strives to carry out the mission of purifying the canals and bunkers; The commander of his regiment wrote to his parents in a letter of condolence to the fallen: “He fell while striving to carry out the mission, while adhering to the goal and with great courage.” He was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later moved to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After they fell they were promoted to captain. His name was immortalized in the book “The Four Days War” issued by the Southern Command. His memory was raised along with the rest of the company who fell shoulder to shoulder in the internal booklet “Hand for the Fallen” issued by the company, as well as the booklet “Brigade in the Six Day War.” Several pages were dedicated to him in the book “Nachal Negev in the Battle.”

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