Cohen, Ilan

Cohen, Ilan

Son of Andréa and Emil-Shmuel, was born on 25.9.1962 in Kibbutz Ma’agan Michoel. Ilan began studying at the elementary school in Kfar Vitkin and continued to study for two years at the Ussishkin School in Ramat Hasharon Ilan was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1981, and was drafted into the IDF in early February 1981, And volunteered for the Armored Corps. Because of his excellence in fulfilling the role of tank commander, his commanders appointed him to the post of company sergeant in an operational tank company. On the 16th of Adar 5743 (28.2.1983), when the battalion moved to its operational destination in Lebanon, Sgt. Ilan fell in the line of duty and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After he fell, Ilan was promoted to First Sergeant. He left behind a mother and two sisters. In his letter of condolence to the grieving family, his commander wrote: “As one of the veteran commanders in the company, Ilan managed to form a team of soldiers and commanders around him and create an atmosphere of self-discipline and friendship among all the soldiers in the company.”

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