Cohen, Farhi (Bnei)

Cohen, Farhi (Bnei)

Was born on November 11, 1925 in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, and arrived in Israel in an illegal immigrant boat in 1933. He studied at an elementary school in Tel Aviv and when he stopped his studies began to work as a continuum. In his youth he joined the Lehi underground, trained thoroughly, and demanded that he be involved in a combat operation.In the time of the blowing up of the railway workshops near Haifa he was captured by the British, tried and sentenced to death. Yavneh and Bagar, who managed to escape from the prison through a tunnel and join his organization again at the end of 1947. He worked mainly as a guide and was trained to do so thanks to the love of his Lev and the fearless fighting spirit. The IDF joined the regiment battalion in the 8th Brigade. Farhi took part in all the operations of his regiment in the center, the south and the Negev. He was buried in Halutza on the 20th of Tammuz 5709 (July 20, 1949), and was transferred to an eternal rest in Beit- The military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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