Cohen, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Cohen, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Son of Avraham and Adela. He was born on June 6, 1938 in Jerusalem and completed his studies at the elementary school in the “East Shikun” housing project in Rishon Letzion. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1956 and after three months in the army he participated in the Sinai Campaign. After his release, he would occasionally go on reserve duty. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, he was called back to the flag and the battle that took place at the outpost to Kobe, in the outskirts of Gaza at the foot of the military target, was damaged by enemy shelling. This was on the first day of the fighting, June 26, 1967. He left a wife and little daughter devoted to them and devoted much to nurturing his home and family. He was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later moved to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His older brother, Meir, was killed in the War of Independence during the conquest of Safed during the storming of the fortress, and his books were taken out of his estate.

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