Cohen, David-Yoel

Cohen, David-Yoel

David-Yoel (Dudi), son of Rachel and Eliahu, was born on the 12th of Tevet 5721 (13.12.1949) in Jaffa. He studied at the Neveh Vakham elementary school in Pardes Hanna, continued to study for a year in the regional high school in Pardes Hanna, and completed high school at the Be’er Sheva Comprehensive School, where his parents moved when he was sixteen. As the “product” of the postcard merger – the father from Morocco and the mother from Poland, the survivor of the Holocaust – they merged in the personality of David-Yoel (“my uncle”) by the good and the Yaffa in both cultures. He was a diligent student, intelligent and alert, loved by his teachers and friends. He was active in society, and at class parties he used to pluck a mandolin. He devoted much of his free time to listening to music. He was an avid nature lover and loved to raise animals. He was also a sports fan and played tennis and other ball games. My uncle was a handsome lad with bright, dreamy eyes. On his face was an expression of kindness, hope and faith in a good future. He was energetic and stubborn-clinging to the roles he had taken up with the school and the challenges he had set for him, and he stood firm in his views when he was convinced of his righteousness. At the same time, he was modest, with a way of speaking and explaining his face to every person. He had a very thin sense of humor and used it often to create a good and comfortable atmosphere. He was always willing to help others and taught free students in private classes. He was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, maintaining strong ties with his family and especially with his younger brother. David-Yoel was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1968 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed his basic training course and was appointed commander of a tank. Tanks in the Armored Corps, which fought in the northern sector of the Suez Canal during the War of Attrition, was appointed to the position of deputy company commander three months later, and served in the reserve unit after his discharge. His wife, Hani, who served as a welfare officer and was injured in the division where my uncle served, loved the army’s life His commanding officer testified that he had excellent professional knowledge and control in the tank, which expressed true love for the vessel, and after graduating from regular service he enrolled in economics studies at son of-Gurion University of the Negev, In Be’er Sheva, he completed his studies at Tel Aviv University and at the same time worked for the security services, and he liked this work, which he managed to integrate into his studies. Towards the start of the third school year, with many programs ahead of him, the Yom Kippur War broke out. When the induction began on Yom Kippur, even before the war broke out, my uncle did not wait for a summons, but immediately went to the liaison offices of his unit, and from there continued to the base in the south. He took part in the difficult battles and on the 15th of Tishrei 5740 (15.10.1973), his tank was hit in the bitter battle over the construction of the bridgehead, for the passage of our forces to the west bank of the canal. At first his body was not found and he was declared missing and then disappeared. When his body was found, he was brought to eternal rest in the Beer Sheva cemetery. Left behind a wife and daughter Tamar, who was born eight months after his death, a father, mother and brother. “On the night of October 15, 1973, he moved with his platoon at the head of the column that broke out on the axis of a” lexicon of rhetoric “towards the Suez Canal,Suez. Despite his predicament, he commanded him with coolness and resourcefulness until his fall in battle … In this he showed courage and determination. “His wife published a pamphlet in his memory, including words that his family and friends said about him: Mishmar-Hanegev Junction On the 15th of Shevat 5737, a sports field and a monument were dedicated in honor of Dudik, on behalf of the moshav members.

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