Cohen, David (Didi) Hy “d

Cohen, David (Didi) Hy “d

Son of Rachel and Aviezer Cohen. He was born on May 4, 1964 in Haifa. David began his studies at the Rambam School in Haifa and at the Model School in Jerusalem, where he studied at the Midreshet Noam School in Kfar Saba and Pardes Hanna, where he moved to the Har Etzion hesder yeshiva, In Alon Shvut in the Etzion Bloc, and in this framework he enlisted, and David was the head of the yeshiva in all fields, Gemara, computers, mathematics, sciences, Halacha, etc. He participated in sports and in social activities became a model of the institutions in which he studied, until the educators said that “this child prayed” … but above all we noted his character, his behavior and his dedication as a person and as a friend. During the years of his studies at the Midrasha Noam, he debated whether to respond to the call of the great yeshiva heads who would prepare himself to be a talmid chacham and Rosh Yeshiva. On the other hand, if the Talpiot project proposal was to be awarded to the students there, It was his brother-in-law who discovered this after the fall of Didi, who decided not to continue straight to the yeshiva and not to go to the Talpiot project. This decision stemmed from his feeling that he had to fulfill his obligation as a whole Jew to study Torah, to be a scientist and researcher and to serve the Jewish people “If I did only one or two of the above things, I would only be half Jewish.” “He was one of the best fighters, a member of a weapon admired by all those around him.” (From the letter of the commander of the parents’ unit). David (Didi) Hy “d who fell on the 19 th of Adar 5745 (12.3.1985) served in a combat unit infantry unit hesder yeshivas. This combination was undoubtedly an inseparable part of his outlook and path, which despite his youth was immature and well-formed. His rabbis, friends, and commanders noted that he was an example of the “aspiration for perfection”. Mitzvot must be filled in complete “between man and place” as “between man and his fellow.” There is a sanctity of the name of Heaven, and in particular it is necessary to prevent desecration of God. These were the slogans of his life, and he filled them with daily and hourly content. In his memory, the family devoted a page of prayer and study in the “Neveh Tefila” synagogue in the Neve Shaanan neighborhood of Haifa, and the Yeshivot of Har Etzion and the Midreshet Noam in cooperation with the family and friends published a scientific Torah research book on the existence of a halachic state called “Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.” By the Association of Hesder Yeshivas for enlistees to the arrangement as a “guide”

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