Cohen, David Chen (Dudu)

Cohen, David Chen (Dudu)

Ben Tamar and Isaac. He was born in Karmiel on September 14, 1979, to Anat. A few years later, his younger brother, Shlomi, was born. Dudu attended Eshkol Elementary School in Karmiel, and when he was in sixth grade, the family moved to Mitzpeh Ramon, where he studied until his twelfth grade at Misgav High School, Ten years ago, he received a motorcycle license and began long trips to get to know Ramon Crater and its environs, during which time he decided to volunteer for security missions, successfully completed the Gadna course and served on a voluntary basis until his induction into the IDF. Mitzpe Ramon. Trips to the crater on foot or on a motorcycle, watching the sunrise over the crater, the sculpture garden, the friends from the boarding school, the coffee with the stories in Eli’s tent, the friends with Mizpe’s special characters, the Civil Guard and many more things we are now discovering from friends’ stories. Dudu loved the sense of space and peace and freedom that the desert gives, and we are sure that the quiet and power that the desert conveys to people helped him to consolidate his very special personality. “In high school he met Hofit, who was his beloved friend throughout his army service, and after graduating from high school he worked at the Alpaca farm in Mitzpeh Ramon and in a hotel in Eilat , And in March 1998 he enlisted in the IDF, in the Nahal Brigade, where he completed his basic training as an outstanding member of the IDF, and his commander, Lt. Col. Yehuda, said that his uncle began his career as an outstanding combat soldier. A class in the battalion, in order to gain experience before leaving for the officers’ course R made and carried out his duties in an unusual way. After the course the officers returned to the regiment uncle served as a platoon commander and mature. ” During his service, his family returned to live in Karmiel. One of his soldiers in the platoon, Elad, told of his commander, Dudu: “Every hard word you used to say to us would be engraved deep in our hearts and we would not relax until we corrected what we did, and then you knew how to give the good word. We will never forget your smile or rather your special half smile, your attitude that you would talk to us at eye level … We will not forget your concern that everything is fine and that we lack nothing, that the department is consolidated. ” His uncle did most of his military service in Lebanon. At the end of 2000, with the start of the intifada, he was flown with his soldiers to the Bethlehem area. On Tuesday, 1 November 2000, he was killed in a battle in al-Khader, where he was hit by a sniper and killed, and his uncle wrote: “In his last act, his uncle gave us the values ​​of comradeship and comradeship, the self-sacrifice and the taking of risk, while sacrificing self-sacrifice in order to save another’s life.” The general on the values ​​of evil and courage in the rescue of the wounded in battle. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Karmiel. Survived by his parents, sister and brother. The family published a pamphlet in memory of his uncle, in which his family, teachers, friends, colleagues in the command and his soldiers told him. His father wrote: “Our only consolation is that he managed to see and taste most of the things that life can offer, from love and friendship through friendship, friendship and friendship, family love, work to soldiers and army service,He saw it as a mission rather than a duty. “Every year near his uncle’s birthday, starting on September 14, his family organizes a trip to his friends, soldiers and loved ones, and each year the trip takes place in a different area Throughout the country as a tribute to his love for the Land and to those who cherish his memory.

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