Cohen, Avraham-Yisrael

Cohen, Avraham-Yisrael

Avraham-Yisrael, son of Meir-Zvi and Hannah Cohen, was born on April 11, 1928 in Jerusalem, the family’s fourth generation in Israel. He studied at the Talmud Torah in Jerusalem and Yeshiva in Rehovot. At the age of 17 he joined the Hagana, underwent various training and thus reached the Palmach. With the declaration of the state, he accepted the first call of the Yishuv and was placed in the ranks of the defenders. Avraham-Yisrael participated in battles in the Negev from Be’er Sheva to Sodom and Eilat. On the seventh day of Passover 5709 (20.4.1949) he went on a tour with his comrades and fell in Beit Guvrin at the wedding ceremony of his friend. It was also his 21st birthday. Avraham-Yisrael was brought to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Rehovot.

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